Stuart Longland has kindly made available a couple of APT repositories for Debian and Ubuntu that ship binaries and source code for FreeDV.

They are signed using the following GnuPG key:

pub rsa4096/ECC8A0ED 2015-08-29 [expires: 2018-09-06]
Key fingerprint = 9331 FDF5 E024 66CD 314E FE10 9760 CE62 ECC8 A0ED

which is available at link) and also via key servers.


Ubuntu: Precise (12.04 LTS), Trusty (14.04 LTS or mind 17.3 ), Utopic (14.10) Vivid (15.04)
Debian: Wheezy (7), Jessie (8) and Sid (9)


AMD64 and i386 are targeted for now.

Adding the repository:

First, grab the repository signing key, if package verification matters to you.

$ wget
$ sudo apt-key add signkey.gpg

Then, add the following to /etc/apt/sources.list (or to named /etc/apt/sources.list.d/freedv.list):

$ deb{DIST} {SUITE} main

For sources, add another line with deb replaced with deb-src:

$ deb-src{DIST} {SUITE} main

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